Employee Training
employee training Add employees add users how to add Add Staff How Do I Add An Employee to Greenius?
Introduction Follow this guide to learn how to Add Employees to Greenius Training. Simply log into Greenius and click Employee Training. You have the option to just a single employee, add multiple employees...
employee employee training Greenius training instructions website How to Complete Employee Training on the Greenius Website
Once courses have been assigned, the employee will receive their training instructions through text, as an email or simply as a printed copy. It is now the employee’s responsibility to complete the first two...
How to Recertify Employee Training
By default, once an employee has completed any given course, it will remain Safe Certified for one year after the Checklist was signed off on. If a course has expired for your employee, or you simply wish to...
Updating Employee Contact Information
If you need to update the employee's email or phone number in order to send them their Training ID, navigate to your My Employees pack and click on the employee required. Next click on The Employee Detai...
How to Send Employee Training Instructions
There are several different ways that you can send or re-send a training notice to your staff. Follow this guide to discover the several ways that you can re-send your employees training ID in Greenius. This...
How to Deactivate Employees
Introduction Follow this guide to learn how to deactivate an employee. This can be helpful if an employee gets laid off, or only works seasonally. When you deactivate an employee, their training ID and all o...
Deactivating Deactivating employees activating employees archiving restore inactive employees archive archiving staff restoring restore restore archived employee How to Restore an Inactive Employee
Follow this guide to learn how to restore an inactive employee. Perhaps this employee was laid off for a season, but has returned to work. This can be helpful, as their training data is retained and will rem...