Greenius Help Articles
Click here to access our expansive library of help articles, which will explain how to effectively set up and use Greenius for all of your onboarding, training and safety record keeping needs.
Getting Started
getting started divisions mandates setup manding courses learning paths How to Set Up Divisions & Mandates
Follow this guide to learn how to set up your Divisions and Mandate courses in Greenius. Employee Divisions are the different levels or roles within your business. Creating Divisions and Mandating courses wi...
Setting Your Account's Exam Passing Score
Introduction This article we will discuss how to update the passing score for your Greenius exams. You are able to set or change the exam passing score for your Greenius account at any time. This is a bla...
admins system managers titles editing system manager titles System Managers (Admins)
What is a Manager? A manager in Greenius is anyone with administrative access to the system. These admin Managers can add employees, assign training and make various changes to the account, depending on per...
Forgot Password - Manager Login
If you have forgotten your password as a Greenius Manager, please follow the steps outlined below: Forgot Password Step 1: Start by going to the Manager Sign In on the Greenius website or mobile app. Step ...
Manager & Company Report Emails
Introduction Manager emails are sent weekly to give updates on Employee’s training progress. Follow this guide to turn those emails on or off. How to Toggle Manager Emails On or Off. Step 1. Go ...
invoicing payments credit card invoices statements statement billing payment information managing seats accounting Subscriptions
Within this article you will have a complete guide to understanding your Greenius Subscription and its main functions for your convenience! Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article! ...
Employee Training
employee training Add employees add users how to add Add Staff How Do I Add An Employee to Greenius?
Introduction Follow this guide to learn how to Add Employees to Greenius Training. Simply log into Greenius and click Employee Training. You have the option to just a single employee, add multiple employees...
employee employee training Greenius training instructions website How to Complete Employee Training on the Greenius Website
Once courses have been assigned, the employee will receive their training instructions through text, as an email or simply as a printed copy. It is now the employee’s responsibility to complete the first two...
How to Recertify Employee Training
By default, once an employee has completed any given course, it will remain Safe Certified for one year after the Checklist was signed off on. If a course has expired for your employee, or you simply wish to...
Updating Employee Contact Information
If you need to update the employee's email or phone number in order to send them their Training ID, navigate to your My Employees pack and click on the employee required. Next click on The Employee Detai...
How to Send Employee Training Instructions
There are several different ways that you can send or re-send a training notice to your staff. Follow this guide to discover the several ways that you can re-send your employees training ID in Greenius. This...
How to Deactivate Employees
Introduction Follow this guide to learn how to deactivate an employee. This can be helpful if an employee gets laid off, or only works seasonally. When you deactivate an employee, their training ID and all o...
Training Library
Setting Up a Learning Path in Greenius
Greenius Learning Paths is a tool designed to make employee training easier and more efficient. With Learning Paths, you can group and organize multiple courses into a single, structured learning plan. To g...
Assigning Learning Paths to Employees
Step 1: Click the Training Library menu, and select learning paths. Step 2: Select the learning path you wish to assign, and then choose “Add Employees” from the pop out menu. Step 3: Check off the employe...
Greenius Custom Course Builder
Did you know that you can build Custom Courses within the Greenius platform? Designed to personalize your training tracks and content, our new tool allows you to create your own courses, from any Vimeo or Yo...
checklist checklists greenius app app settings editing checklist course customize Editing Training Checklists
Editing Checklists Follow this guide to learn how to to make edits to Checklist Names and Checklist Items. Step 1: Log in to your Greenius account. From the left side of your screen click on Training Libra...
safety talk Tailgate Talks Tailgate toolbox talk Editing Tailgate Talks
Follow this guide to learn how to to make edits to your Greenius Tailgate Talks. You can edit talking points, titles, add your own points, or even create your own Tailgate Talks from scratch! Editing Tailg...
Greenius Documents Library
A group of new hires have started and you want to ensure they all have visibility and access to company policies. With your company ramping up for busy season, you need a solution that is digital and able to...
The Greenius Mobile App
Creating a Crew within the Greenius App
Introduction Setting up a Crew will allow you to conduct Checklists, Tailgate Talks, and 15 Minute Reviews. While you can do all these things without a Crew set up is possible, it would require the extra ste...
Creating a Crew for the Greenius App from a Desktop.
Introduction Setting up a Crew for your Supervisors will help them conduct Checklists, Tailgate Talks and Reviews more efficiently. Anyone logging into the app without a Crew set up, will still be able to do...
app how to checklists mobile app conducting checklists safe certified greenius app Conducting In-Field Checklists with the Greenius App
Field Checklists The Checklist step is the most important piece of Greenius Training. Follow this guide to learn about Greenius Checklists and how to conduct them with your staff. Greenius Checklists are the...
app talkgate talks safety talk grenius app tailgates safety Conducting Tailgate Talks with the Greenius App
Follow this guide to learn about Greenius Tailgates and how to conduct them with your staff. Greenius Tailgate Talks are essentially safety talks that you can do with your employees. Sometimes also called "T...