app talkgate talks safety talk grenius app tailgates safety Conducting Tailgate Talks with the Greenius App

Follow this guide to learn about Greenius Tailgates and how to conduct them with your staff.

Greenius Tailgate Talks are essentially safety talks that you can do with your employees. Sometimes also called "Toolbox Talks", Tailgate talks can be conducted on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Ideally, you should be holding at least one safety meeting per month with your staff.

Our comprehensive library of Tailgate talks provides your supervisors/crew leaders with content on more than 100 topics that will improve your crew’s safety, productivity, and knowledge. It's never a bad idea to pre-plan your safety meetings with the topics you are going to cover each day / week, and post that somewhere for your employees to see. Safety meetings are often neglected during busier season, so planning them out however you can will help keep you on track. 

Note: Although some of the content overlaps, Tailgates are not associated or linked with the courses in Greenius, and can be conducted at any time!


Tailgate Talks

Step 1: Sign in to your Greenius Mobile App and Tap> Crew Leaders & Field Supervisors



Step 2: Enter your Greenius System Manager username and password to log in.


Step 3: Scroll down and tap> Tailgate Talks


Step 5: Select Language (English/Spanish)

Step 6: From here, you will have access to the entire Tailgate talk library. Select the Tailgate which you would like to complete.


Step 7: Add all employees who are present for the Tailgate talk by tapping the Select button to the left of their name. If you you are hosting this Tailgate Talk with employees outside of your crew, you can use the Company Directory link at the bottom of the page to add additional employees to your list for the day. Once you have completed this attendance list, scroll down and tap> Continue


Step 8: If you accidently added someone to the Tailgate talk who isn't there, or if they suddenly have to leave, you can remove them by tapping the Red Icon with the trashcan, to the left of their name. This will remove them from the list so they are not counted as present if they are not there.

Please Note: You cannot add or remove employees from the attendance list after this next step, so ensure your attendance list is correct!

Scroll down and tap> Start Tailgate


Step 9: Once the Tailgate is in progress, you will go through the various talking points with your crew and check them off as you go, by tapping the Check Box to the left of each point. You don't necessarily need to read each line word for word. Think of these Tailgate Talks as being similar to the queue cards you would use to give a presentation in elementary school. These are simply helpful talking points to help you facilitate this safety meeting. 

Remember: All of the points you see here can be customized or edited. You can even add your own points to these existing Tailgates, or upload your own Tailgate Talks from scratch! Tap HERE to learn how!

Tap Next. Repeat the same process until you are through all of the talking points.



Step 10: The supervisor will be prompted to sign off, confirming that all employees listed in green were present for this Tailgate Talk. Sign with your finger or a stylus and and tap > I accept.



Step 11: You will then be notified that the Tailgate talk has been complete. From here, you are able to select if you would like to start a new Tailgate. Tap> Yes or No.



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